Crack Wpa Handshake Online

Online Web Cracking service for WPA or WPA2 captured.cap handshake files Upload your handshake.cap file for cracking on our powerful cloud servers. With more than 1.1 Billion entries in the cracking database files allows for the best audit.


  • When the attacker has obtained the WPA2 connection handshake they can apply strong WPA2 Crack software on it. It is easy for attackers to obtain the connection handshake. This is one of the vulnerable elements of the WPA / WPA2 encryption methods that the handshake easily can be captured by remote hackers.
  • The first thing you’ll need to do is obtain the network traffic for the WPA-Enterprise MS-CHAPv2 handshake you’d like to crack. For WPA2 Enterprise wireless handshakes, simply use a tool like hostapd-wpe in order to obtain ‘challenge’ and ‘response’ parameters.

Here we’re going to show capturing WPA/WPA2 handshake steps (*.cap), continuing with explanations related to cracking principles. We’ll go through the process step by step, with additional explanations on how things work, which WiFi keys are generated and how, using captured handshake to manually crack/calculate MIC in EAPol Frames (using WireShark and custom Python code).

We’re not going to crack hashes with usual tools (oclHashCat or aircrack-ng), but we’ll mention some related details. That process depends on the available hardware and password complexity, and will be covered later on. We do have to mentioned that there are other ways to avoid 4-way handshake altogether, PMKID (found while looking at WPA3 – ‘dragonfly’ vulnerabilities).

The 4-way handshake

The goal of this handshake is to create an initial pairing between the client and the AP (access point):

  • AP sends ANonce to the STA (connecting station). The client creates the PTK (Pairwise Transient Key).
  • Client sends SNonce to AP and a MIC (Message Integrity Code) which includes the authentication.
  • The AP creates PTK and sends the GTK (Group Temporal Key), along with a sequence number together and an MIC.
  • The client sends a confirmation to the AP.

GTK is then used to decrypt multicast/broadcast traffic.

Key Construction [PMK, PTK, KCK, MIC]

Before this handshake takes place, both AP and Station/Client contain PMK (never transmitted over the air). download pdf printer driver mac It’s used to derive PTK and is computed using PBKDF2 (Password-based Key Derivation Funtion 2) which uses HMAC-SHA1 algorithm to encode data:

PMK = PBKDF2(HMAC−SHA1, PSK, SSID, 4096, 256)

The 4096 iterations to create 256 bit PMK with SSID used as salt and PSK (passphrase) used as the base of entire process. Sample python code:

PTK is dependent on ANOUNCE, SNOUNCE, AP & Station MAC Addresses and PMK. The result is 512bit PTK which are treated as 5 separate keys:

  • 128bits – Key Confirmation Key (KCK) – Used during the creation of the MIC.
  • 128 bits – Key Encryption Key (KEK) – Used by the AP during data encryption.
  • 128 bits – Temporal Key (TK) – Used for the encryption and decryption of unicast packets.
  • 64 bits – MIC Authenticator Tx Key (MIC Tx) – Only used with TKIP configurations for unicast packets sent by access points.
  • 64 bits- MIC Authenticator Rx Key (MIC Rx) – Only used with TKIP configurations for unicast packets sent by clients.

PKE value is assumed. PTK can be generated with a function (customPRF512) or simply by calling hmac lib. Sample python code for generating the keys:

With that, we have everything we need to calculate MIC, which you can further use to validate your attempts to crack password. Below you’ll find a complete python code you can use to experiment.

Capturing WPA/WPA2 Handshake with Aircrack-ng

Maybe an overkill for the sake of the example, but we’re going to use couple of Devices:

  • an Asus Tables as AP
  • an old IPhone 4 as STA
  • a WiFi USB


I varies from system to system (adapter) but you’ll probably end up with an interface wlan0mon. Check ifconfig output and see what you’ll end up with:

Next, look what’s out there:

Dumping everything you capture to a FILE (*.cap):

With this, we’re waiting for any WPA handshake to happen. When it does occur, in the top right corner you’ll see something like:

Here in this example, we’re going to be a more specific, we have a target in mind (CyberPunk Net with AP on 40:16:7E:DC:1A:8C). We want to read channel 6 (CyberPunk Channel), BSSID (40:16:7E:DC:1A:8C) and write all that into a file:

Crack Wpa Handshake Online

To speed things up we’re going to deauthanticate the wireless client on that BSSID by sending DeAuth package:

Crack Wpa Handshake Online Course

  • 0 : Deauthentication Frame
  • 1 : Number of DeAuth packages
  • -a : AP MAC Addr
  • -c : Client:STA MAC Addr

Deauthentcation frame, sent from router to a device, terminates client’s connection. Devices are usually configured to re-connect automatically, again going through 4-way-handshake. Previously started airodump-ng will capture it.

Avid media composer free download with crack for mac. In this example, we know the password (“theonecp”), it has 8 lowercase chars (WPA Minimum), so that’s 26^8 = 208.827.064.576 possible combinations.

On our machine, crunch + aircrack has performance of 10k keys/sec. With that speed, we would break it in ~240 days (max).

On the other hand GUI oclHashCat is far better with 360k keys/sec (2 RX 580 Cards). Rough estimate, 6 days (max).

Crack Wpa Handshake Online Software

We’re not going to go into cracking this using tools, but we’re going to cover the principles on which those tools are based. If you need additional stats, check Password Cracking and Login Brute-force [Stats]

Capturing WPA/WPA2 Handshake: Cracking Principles [Steps]

Based on the 4-way-handshake diagram we’ve previously showed, we can see exact EAPol packets involved in 4-way-hanshake we captures (WireShark SS, *.cap):

Crack Wpa Handshake Online Game

Note: WPA uses md5 to compute the MIC while WPA2 uses sha1

With the 2nd EAPol package of the handshake geting captured, there’s enough information to try and compute PTK (using assumed PSK passphrase), which can then be used to extract KCK and compute MIC (HMAC_MD5). This newly computed MIC is than compared to the captured MIC to determine the validity of assumed PSK.

The simple script below enables you to manually calculate appropriate fields and check if certain password is the one we’re looking for:

If you want to make something more specific with python, you should probably check Python WPA2 Cracker. It’s a nice & short example on how to manage things in WiFi sphere, who knows it might inspire an idea to build something of your own.

Wpa Handshake Capture


Crack Wpa Handshake Online Gratis

If you never before went into details on how WPA/WPA2 is getting cracked (bruteforced), we hope this article demistified the process a bit. It’s not a science fiction and understanding it might provide some additional perspectives related to WiFi, Pentesting and Cybersecurity in general.